In Pharmacuetical industry Microbiological Environmental Monitoring programme plays an important role in cleanline grades for evolution of microbial contamination , Sterility of parental drugs and determine the risk.In Environmental monitoring programme Air sampling is one of the best method for know the contamination level of air in aseptic area or cleanline grades.

Why disinfection is so important in Environmental monitoring
Disinfection is a process to remove microbial contamination on surfaces of equipments
When we use to perform air sampling for different locations in cleanline grades,during interwel of each location we should disinfection on air sampler Seive with IPA 70 percentages by spray and wipe method. Firstly disinfection inside the seive and out side.

For effectiveness of disinfection in air sampling by select 10 grade C location and 10 grade- A location to perform air sampling first in Grade -C location then transfer to Geade-A location before performing sampling spray the 70 percentage IPA on sterile mop and and wipe inside and out side of seive impactor perform air sampling .For air sampling use SCDA 90mm plate , after sampling incubate Agar plates in 20-25 degrees centigrade for 3 days and 30-35 degrees centigrade for 2 days.after incubation count the colonies under colony counter.
Ex: In Grade-C. – 20 cfu/m3
In Grade A – nil cfu/ m3